Thursday, February 09, 2006

Et fin!

Introducing the bunny!

I used gray acrylic for the bunny and fuzzy blue mystery yarn that I got in a box of yarn that someone gave away free over the internet for the scarf. I love the mystery yarn, but it's so thin. The scarf is striped: 5 rows stockinette, 5 rows reverse stockinette, modeled after my own scarf. Fast knit, it just took me so long because I'm procrastinatory. I used embroidery floss for the face, and let me tell you, I have no skillz when it comes to embroidering on knitted objects, which is odd, considering I have some experience with cross-stitch and such. He/she is stuffed with lavender (a tiny amount because that stuff is strong!) and fiberfill. I was surprised by how small it turned out. I can read the pattern, but it's different when the bunny is in your hand and you're trying to stuff it through the tiniest holes. It was a miracle that I stuffed its head. The circumfrence of its neck is smaller than the width of my pinky finger. Anywoo, I enjoyed this knit and will likely knit it again sometime.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Bubby the Bunny progress

The pattern's going fast. Here's the best photo I could get of my progress:

I'm going to stuff him/her with a bit of loose lavender and add a scarf around its scrawny little neck. I think I need to knit the bear version for myself some time.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Harry Bear

Yay, I made the bear! Pattern