My first toy project in the New Year
Hello everyone. I've finally decided what toy to knit first. My friend's birthday is in February, and I think she needs a little buddy to stick in her birthday package. I want to knit her a bunny, but I couldn't decide whether to use the Bubby pattern and extend the ears or to use Jess Hutch's bunny pattern (free on her site, as well). I'm going to knit the Bubby pattern, using some gray acrylic I have lying around, even though it calls for smaller needles, because it makes a slightly smaller stuffed animal. I also plan to knit the bunny a little scarf, since my friend lives in MN and it gets very cold there. Now to pull the size 3 dpns from my work in progress Very Tall Sock. I planned to rip that sock anyway, so I can redo it with the Magic Loop technique.
Anyway, I'll post a picture of my progress in a day or two. This blog needs some pictures! :)